Gifts for Milestone Birthdays

Every year is a year to be grateful for. It is important to always be grateful for the memories, the milestones and the journey that has got you to where you are. When celebrating a birthday, it is important to not only celebrate the day you were born but also where you are today. Our florists at Tiny's Flowers in Lansing, IL are here to help.

The Happy Birthday Wishes bouquet is a beautiful way to help celebrate milestone birthdays. This assortment of brilliantly bright flowers is a stunning reminder of what this milestone year has coming. Wish them a milestone year with bright birthday wishes to kick it off. It is perfect for 30th, 40th and 50th birthday gift ideas!

It’s the big forty, and the gift should be as big as the birthday itself. Consider a forty and fabulous spa kit as a 40th birthday gift idea. Turning forty is a milestone year and a milestone birthday. Celebrate it in a fabulous way because the birthday girl deserves nothing less. A dozen roses will top the gift off just perfectly!

It’s the big 50! Half a century is in the books, and that is a milestone of its own. A 50 appreciations jar full of all the things you appreciate about the recipient is a meaningful 50th birthday gift idea. You can also choose to have fun with it with a 50 and hot jar full of hot tamales. It’s a cute and creative 50th birthday gift idea. Plus, they both pair perfectly with flowers.

Here’s to birthday wishes for a milestone year! Our florists at Tiny's Flowers in Lansing, IL are here to make those milestone birthdays even more special. Every year can be a milestone year with the right outlook and a goal-driven mindset. Brighten up the year from the start with 30th, 40th, and 50th birthday gift ideas!

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